Todays ramblings are dedicated to her and in full Japanese style, I write a Hakui, minus a theme of nature.
Lost camera, I'm sad
gone away, another town
I hope you feel bad
Okay, so given that I have successfully bummed off many photos from it goes!
Mayor and Superintendent of Chigasaki and Yokohama National University: Quick version. Yeah, we meet with them and went there. The university involved a talking dinosaur for its promotional video on the school. A real winner for all interested and viewing.
Alethia Shonon High School: The pictures tell it all. Kids will be kids. This school was a private Christian school. It was quite shocking to see some of the same problems as we see in America. The things that baffle me: Where are the teachers during class changes and during the first few minutes of class? I walked in to an integrated study course, essentially a study hall, to find kids bouncing off the wall. No teacher in site, even after class started. Another shocker. Kids sleep in class, and this doesn't seem to be a concern.