Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lost Camera, Lost Time

Two days ago my cheap digital camera was left on a subway system. I had read, and I quote, "It is common...for Japanese in all walks of life to go out of their way to locate the owners of lost or forgotten property and return it to them." (Japan Made Easy, by B. DeMente). This happy optimisim (double positivism) lead me to be overly confident that my camera would safely be awaiting my return soon after I reported it missing. It's gone. Adios 69 photos a day. Julie was nice enough to let me follow her around like a peasant asking for picture needs. Too nice.
Todays ramblings are dedicated to her and in full Japanese style, I write a Hakui, minus a theme of nature.
Lost camera, I'm sad
gone away, another town
I hope you feel bad
Okay, so given that I have successfully bummed off many photos from it goes!
Mayor and Superintendent of Chigasaki and Yokohama National University: Quick version. Yeah, we meet with them and went there. The university involved a talking dinosaur for its promotional video on the school. A real winner for all interested and viewing.
Alethia Shonon High School: The pictures tell it all. Kids will be kids. This school was a private Christian school. It was quite shocking to see some of the same problems as we see in America. The things that baffle me: Where are the teachers during class changes and during the first few minutes of class? I walked in to an integrated study course, essentially a study hall, to find kids bouncing off the wall. No teacher in site, even after class started. Another shocker. Kids sleep in class, and this doesn't seem to be a concern.